2003-07-12 Melissa Etheridge Concert.

Pacific Amphitheater, Irvine CA. Attended with my brother, Matt. Lots of flannel in the crowd. This concert was the first concert I’d bought tickets for since the 1980s when I was getting tickets for Police and Sting concerts. I got back into concerts because I had the mistaken notion that this was something that I could share with someone who, at the time, wasn’t actually “available” to attend concerts with me (or anything else!). Sorry, it was a long painful story, and it kind’a makes sense that the first concert in the “lonely hearts” saga would be a Melissa Etheridge show (Joan Osborne was the opening act). Good times!

2003-07-26 Alanis Morissette Concert

Pacific Amphitheater, Irvine CA. Attended solo. Very different kind of show/vibe from the Etheridge show. It was a lot more angry and manic. Morissette roamed the stage in a diagonal line and a fan tried to rush the stage until security tackled him. Again, good times! I do love (and identify with) her music.

2003-08-21 Pat Benatar Concert

Wiltern Theater, Los Angeles CA. Attended with friend, Missy. I saw Pat Benatar at the US Festival in 1982 and while this was a much much smaller venue, she had not lost any of her vocal power and passion. Loved it.

2003-10-01 Steely Dan Concert

Hollywood CA. Attended with brother-in-law, Paul. No images shot, only blurry videos. Great show, but I’m not sure that Steely Dan translated well to the amphitheater setting.

Don’t Take Me Alive

2003-10-10 James Taylor Concert

Pacific Amphitheater, Irvine CA. Attended solo. “Lonely Hearts” series continues. Great mellow vibe, very soulful and for me, kind’a sad.

MLK (partial)
Sweet Baby James (partial)
Up on the Roof (partial)
You’ve Gotta Friend
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JBB’s Media Projects (website) by Joseph Bruce Bustillos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License